Climate Change Amendment to ISO Management System Standards (eLearning)

A very brief course leading to an understanding of Climate Change Amendment to ISO Management System Standards and provides a basic knowledge to meet new requirements.

ISO has updated its management system standards in a significant way, requiring companies to account for climate change risks in their risk analysis and stakeholder needs evaluation. This update aligns with ISO commitment to the climate agenda as stated in the London Declaration.

If your organization already has or wants to have ISO certification for standards such as 9001 (Quality Management), 14001 (Environmental Management), 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety), 27001 (Information Security Management), 22000 (Food Safety Management), or 50001 (Energy Management) -  you will need to expand your contextual analysis and risk assessments to explicitly include climate change considerations.


After completing the course, it is expected that participants will:

  • Understand the background to the new ISO requirements for Climate Change;
  • Be aware of the key ISO standards that play a crucial role in supporting efforts to reduce company’s climate impact;
  • Identify and explain the specific requirements outlined in the new ISO standards and assess their implications for company.


This course is intended for employees who work on the development and implementation of management systems, such as:

  • QMS, EMS and OHS managers;
  • Sustainability managers;
  • Executives and professionals who deal with management systems.

Management Systems Training


Enhver pasient skal få den beste behandlingen verden over

HMS og risiko

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Miljø og energi

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