ViewPoint Surveys Archive

Våre ViewPoint-undersøkelser er utført med støtte fra det internasjonale forskningsinstituttet GFK, hvor vi inviterer samfunnet vårt til å gi mer dyptgående tilbakemeldinger om et utvalgt tema, som strekker seg fra arbeidshelse og sikkerhet til vannforvaltning.

Fellesnevneren for alle undersøkelser er imidlertid hvordan bedrifter kan bygge bærekraftige forretningsresultater.

Viewpoint Archive 2023

  Are companies committed to sustainability?

Are companies committed to sustainability?

  Are bribery and corruption slipping down the corporate agenda?

Are bribery and corruption slipping down the corporate agenda?

Viewpoint Archive 2022

  Diversity & Inclusion. Are companies taking advantage?

Diversity & Inclusion. Are companies taking advantage?

  What matters to consumers in the circular transition?

What matters to consumers in the circular transition?

Viewpoint Archive 2021

  How are companies transitioning towards the circular economy?

How are companies transitioning towards the circular economy?

A circular economy represents a departure from traditional manufacture and consumption patterns.

Viewpoint Archive 2020

  Competitive advantage through supply chain resilience

Competitive advantage through supply chain resilience

The pandemic has challenged supply chains worldwide.

  What matters to consumers when buying food & beverage products?

What matters to consumers when buying food & beverage products?

Food safety is clearly the primary concern for consumers, and they tend to trust brands to provide it.

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