DNV GL – Business Assurance Norway: response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

This news page has been set up to provide you with the latest details on DNV GL – Business Assurance`s actions in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. It will be updated as new information becomes available.

DNV GL takes its social responsibility serious and follows the Norwegian Health Authority’s recommendations and beyond regarding COVID-19. 

Our objective is to ensure the safety of our customers, employees and external partners and stakeholders.

We will continue to do our utmost to support our customers’ needs in this challenging situation. To reduce risk connected to COVID-19, DNV GL will find alternative ways to support our customers and partners.  When possible, we will do the verification and training remotely, and only do visits when this is an absolute requisite according to the accreditation or standard.

At DNV GL`s headquarters at Høvik, DNV GL has set up a COVID-19 crises team. Measures are always in line with the provisions of the official authorities, WHO and Folkehelseinstituttet. The team meets daily to follow the development of the situation and to make critical decisions on operations and activities. 

For operational issues and detailed information on ongoing projects, please refer to your internal DNV GL contact(s). We in DNV GL are always committed to provide the best service to our customers and will continue to strive for this, while respecting the situation we are experiencing. 

For questions regarding audits: planning.certification.norway@dnvgl.com

For questions regarding training: course.certification.norway@dnvgl.com

For questions regarding sales: dnvgl.certification.norway@dnvgl.com

This webpage will be updated regularly as the situation develops.