In 2015 we used enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems for management. Back then we recognized that we had huge environmental and wider sustainability challenges as a company but also wider in terms of future generations. We were exploring and looking to technology to help our customers deliver more sustainable products and services.
We used the industry “Responsible Care” initiative to continuously improve our health, safety and environmental performance adopting internationally recognised standards for quality, safety, occupational health and environment. We had a company-wide certification of our management systems. For other products and services we had specific local certification.
We realized that we had to make some radical changes. The product and services lifecycle is now a dominant priority. We worked hard to understand and influence our value chain, including customers, employees (including wellbeing), environment, shareholders and society at large.
It was crucial for us to create and maintain a strong relationship network and to generate high end data quality and analytics.
To manage stakeholder expectations, we communicate with them in real time, continuously monitoring business processes and practices, enabling transparent reporting and analysis of performance. We make high-quality, essential information is available to our customers and other stakeholders digitally.
Consequently, we use the data to drive global continuous improvement through automated benchmarking of operational performance both internally and across the industry.
Collaboration with customers has led to innovative developments in products and services, which are now traceable throughout their lifecycle, enabling stakeholders to understand the materials that go into all our products and services, the locations of production, working conditions, wellbeing of employees and performance metrics such as waste and resource consumption.
We could not have achieved this without an integrated management system, guided by industry principles and best practices. It uses cloud computing, open to stakeholder groups, increasing interaction with and accountability to those stakeholders. Our goals and objectives are derived through stakeholder consultation.