Aktuelt fra DNV GL på ONS

DNV GL er til stede ved oljemessen i Stavanger, ONS 2016. Nytekning og bærekraft, risikovurdering og beslutningstaking, og LNG som alternativt drivstoff er aktuelle tema.

Nedenfor finner du pressemeldinger publisert i forbindelse med årets oljemesse i Stavanger. Pressemeldingene er på engelsk.

The future of gas in the energy mix



Fugitive methane emissions and a real commitment to downstream Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) are two issues the natural gas industry must address if it is to enjoy long-term public and policy support. It could be the ideal partner in a sustainable future energy mix, where the flexibility of gas complements the variability of renewables to ensure steady energy supply, taking coal out of the picture. DNV GL Group President & CEO Remi Eriksen called on industry leaders at ONS to join forces on CCS for gas, saying the North Sea could be Europe’s CO2 energy storage hub with the potential to create a new billion dollar industry.

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DNV GL specification enables low-cost in-service verification while maintaining safety



One year on since the EU Directive on Safety of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations (2013/30/EU) came into force, DNV GL is launching a service specification document to help operators identify the key aspects which benefit from third-party verification during operations. The specification for in-service verification supports the global oil and gas industry to cut costs while maintaining safety and environmental performance levels.

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DNV GL supports the deployment of LNG as alternative fuel with EU study and tools



Whilst LNG has proven to be a viable option as a bunkering fuel for ships, there are still challenges to the pace of its development and demand for LNG as a fuel. One of the obstacles to the accelerated uptake is the uncertainty regarding its availability. DNV GL is undertaking a new study on the LNG market in the EU as part of its efforts to drive the development of an EU-wide network of LNG refuelling points. The company has also developed a new tool and guidelines to facilitate wider adoption.

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DNV GL launches new approach to manage uncertainty in risk assessment to improve decision-making



There is increasing emphasis from regulators on addressing uncertainty in risk assessments to improve safety. DNV GL’s new paper, ‘Enabling confidence – addressing uncertainty in risk assessments’, describes an improved risk management approach to achieve adequate safety levels whilst keeping costs under control.

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Oil and gas industry must do business differently to meet sustainability targets, says DNV GL



Pressure is mounting on the global oil and gas industry to reduce environmental footprint at the same time as the industry is under significant cost pressure. Since business as usual is not an option, DNV GL has launched two papers to advise the industry on how and where to make impactful changes within financial constraints.

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