Summer greetings

from three marine students at NTNU, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Hello, our names are Tone, Helle and Anders. We are three lucky master students from Marine Technology at NTNU, who are amongst this year’s summer students in DNV. This summer we are employees in the Maritime Classification - Ship Structures, Stability and Load Line department where we primarily have worked with projects related to Fire Safety and Life Saving.

On our first day, the section managers in the department introduced us to DNV and our work scope for the summer. Furthermore, we met Nanna Martine Jacobsen, who has had the pleasure of being our mentor :-)

During the second day at work, we began our software and type approval training led by our mentor. Already within the first week, we had written our first certificates and been in contact with surveyors and customers around the world. The most exciting part of the job has been that we were given a high level of responsibility for projects at an early stage. Now, by the end of the 9-week period, we truly feel that we have contributed to the daily production of DNV. In addition to Fire Safety and Life Saving, Structure and Stability are also sections in the department. During the summer we have been introduced to these as well. As an example, we have performed a structural analysis in a scrubber conversion project. The various tasks have given us a good overview of the possibilities within our department.

This summer of 2019, we have been many students distributed over the different departments in DNV. CONNECT which is a group of the young employees in DNV, has arranged several events for the summer students. We kicked it off with "The Summer BBQ" which was the first event and a great opportunity to connect with the other students and CONNECT-members early on. Throughout the summer we have attended After Works and Seminars arranged by CONNECT. In addition, the summer students have met at other informal get-togethers such as MSL (Mandatory Swimming Lunch) and ICB (Ice cream Breaks) in the sun.

The DNV offices are located beautifully by the Oslo-fjord with facilities for kayak-paddling and sailing. The kayaks and sailboats are also available for the summer students to borrow.

Overall, the summer job at DNV has been a great experience!

Tone, Helle and Anders.

Available student opportunities


Summer jobs

Click here to see available summer jobs


Summer project

See the opportunities for summer project work in DNV